Angelic Healing Oils       









The following is a listing and description of                 
 all the Angelic Oils used in this work 

Instructions for the Oils Anointing Usage                    

The Oils of the Seven Gifts                   

Gift of Smyrna Oil (red)                   
Gift of Ephesus Oil (orange)                   
Gift of Pergamum Oil (yellow)               
Gift of Sardis Oil (green)                   
Gift of Philadelphia Oil (blue)                   
Gift of Thyatira Oil (purple)                   

Michael’s Oil                   

The Three aspects of the IAM Oils                   

Metatron Oil                   
Shekinah Oil                   

                   Christ Mind Oil                   

Our Gift Oils                   

Master’s Oil                   
Sandalphon Oil                   

Holy of Holies                   
Gabriel’s Oil                   
Festival of Light Oil                   
Khamael's Pillar Oil                   
Song of Songs Oil                   
Eden Oil                   
IAM Oil                   

Additional Information                   
Healing Process with the Oils                   

Please scroll down for a description of each of the oils.              

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Instructions for the Oils Anointing Usage
The seven-day anointing process is done by applying one of the seven church oils 
one day at a time until all seven are completed. These oils can be used this way or
up to three in one day to bring those gifts to you for a specific purpose or situation.

The Oils of the Seven Gifts


Gift of Smyrna Oil (red)

Given by the Angel - Khamael.

Apply with right little finger to bring health to the physical and to make you strong
in that which you do.

Apply to - the third eye, base of the spine, and on the instep in front of the heels 
of both feet.

Reflexes - the coccyx (tailbone).

Purpose - This oil is used to bring courage to the faint heart to manifest that which has not been and gives sweetness of determination that once started is almost impossible to stop. It draws power for what others would see as a hopeless battle, brings spiritual balance to them both, and will heal the body. It adds wisdom to the works of this church.

Ingredients: Grape seed oil, Honeysuckle fragrance, frankincense oil, Rose oil.

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Gift of Ephesus Oil (orange)

Given by the Angel - Tzaphqiel.

Apply with the right ring finger to give balance to the emotions. When the emotions 
of this church are under control great works will they do.

Apply to - the third eye, sacral, naval, and on the instep of the left foot.

Reflexes - the sacral area.

Purpose - The brightness of the orange mixed with the darkness of the tangerine skin balances the emotions. The sweetness is encased in the bitterness to keep the 
emotions in balance and grounded.

Ingredients: Apricot kernel oil, Sweet orange oil, Tangerine oil, Carrot seed oil.

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Gift of Pergamum Oil (yellow)

Given by the Angel - Gabriel.

Apply with the right middle finger. Used to open the mind that we may see. Heals 
the mind that it may be one with spirit. We have come to believe that the mental is separated from the spiritual and that which must be understood is done through logic. Everything must make sense to you or it is not to be trusted. As the mind and the 
spirit work as one, you will know the love God is. This oil will help you to know that which comes from God and what the mind makes up to reason away what it cannot grasp.

Apply to - solar plexus, third eye, and on the bottom of the great left toe.

Reflexes - the pineal area.

Purpose - Opens the mind to greater spiritual concepts, and helps to link the mental 
to the spirit.

Ingredients: Vegetable Glycerin, Banana oil flavor, Frankincense oil.

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Gift of Sardis Oil (green)

Given by the Angel - Raphael.

Apply with the right index finger. It aligns the human heart together with the divine heart. 
It brings peace, compassion, and love, which are needed by a healer.

Apply to - the heart, third eye, bottom of the left foot about four fingers down from the middle toe.

Reflexes - the heart area.

Purpose - Brings peace, healing and joy to the heart. It also gives a foundation and balance to the human heart.

Ingredients: Olive oil, Lime oil, Myrrh oil, Lemongrass oil.

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Gift of Philadelphia Oil (blue)

Given by the Angel - Ratziel.

Apply with the left middle finger. It cleans the path to the divine mind and opens your lungs to teach only love. It calms the human mind that you may hear the divine thoughts.

Apply to - the third eye, throat and the underside of the great toes.

Reflexes - the throat area.

Purpose - Used to bind all things with God and cleans that which interferes with that union, acts as a solvent to clean that which is made in the body and mind, opens the lungs to help you speak only love. It brings the gentle love God is.

Ingredients: Grape seed oil, Hyssop oil, Juniper berry oil, Sandalwood oil, Roman Chamomile.

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Gift of Thyatira Oil (purple)

Given by the Angel - Haniel.

Apply with the left ring finger. It grounds the creative spirit and cleans the path to the mind’s eye for divine knowledge. It also binds the human emotion with the spiritual emotion for creativity with love.

Apply to - top of head, third eye, and the sides of the great toes (outsides).

Reflexes - the third eye area.

Purpose - Grounds the creative spirit and makes abundant visions, binds the spiritual emotion with the human emotion and flavors your work with love. Also makes clean that which is not clean.

Ingredients: Vegetable Glycerin, Myrrh oil, Raspberry leaf tincture, Anise oil.

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Gift of Laodicea Oil (violet)

Given by the Angel - Tzadqiel.

Apply with the left little finger. It soothes the passion that burns in the heart and brings gentleness of spirit for forgiveness and mercy, binding the spiritual and the physical together.

Apply to - the third eye, the top of the head, and the bottom of the great toe of the 
right foot.

Reflexes - the pituitary gland.

Purpose - soothes a hot heart, brings the gentleness of spiritual love, and binds the physical to the spiritual with mercy and forgiveness.

Ingredients: Grape seed oil, Nutmeg oil, Cinnamon oil, Lavender oil.

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Additional information

1. When finding the spots on the feet to place the oil, everyone's body is different and so are the exact spots on the feet. Remember the oils spread, so close to the spot is good enough. Don’t forget God and the angels are very understanding.

2. Only use a maximum of three oils in one day. (Unless you are using Michael’s oil also.)

3. If you are going to do all seven oils, do them on separate days. When doing the 
seven oils in seven days, start with the red oil, then orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and violet. After completing the seven-day anointing, do not repeat the series for another 40 days.

4. The person can apply the oil to himself or herself, or another can apply it. You may 
end with a "Bless your heart."

5. When using the oil for a specific purpose, try to apply the oil a day or two before the gift is needed. For instance, if you need help taking an exam, use the yellow oil a day or two before the exam.

6. The different aspects of healing associated with each oil can be lined up with the fingers: (red) right little finger ... physical-physical; (orange) right ring finger ... physical-emotional; (yellow) right middle finger ... physical-mental; (green) right index finger ... physical-spiritual; (blue) left middle finger ... spiritual-mental; (purple) left ring finger ... spiritual-emotional; (violet) left little finger ...spiritual-physical.

7. These are living oils. To avoid contamination, you may wish to use a Q-tip or toothpick to obtain the oil and then place the oil on the appropriate finger.

8. You should keep the oils in a cool place to keep them fresh. If you put them in the refrigerator, be advised that some of the oils separate. If this happens, just hold the bottle in your hand and roll back and forth until it returns to a mixed state.

9. These oils are also used in the Acu-tuning system to correct the frequency of meridian points. For more information, please contact me at 303-593-1121 or see the Meridian Clearing section of the website

10. The oils will help one to live in the gifts they are and will help those using them to rise above their traps.

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Michael’s Oil

Given by the Angel - Michael.

For anointing, apply to all of the spots given for the seven churches with the left pointer finger, saying, “As a child of God, standing in God’s love, I am open to receive the gifts of the angels.” This oil brings all of these points into balance. Michael balances the well of souls.

Also place on the places you placed one of the other church oils, to make ready the place to receive the oil. This oil will enhance the oils of the seven churches.

Has also been used to relieve muscle and joint pain from any source, place one drop 
on the area that is painful or place one drop in a warm tub bath. It is not necessary to use the specified finger when doing this.

Used in the healing process with all the oils to clear a place of the other oils to be placed, bringing them into balance. It binds the oils together with the physical.

This oil may be placed in a bath before using the oils of the other churches or a drop in blessed water and drank.

Ingredients: Spikenard oil, Niaouli oil, Honey, sandalwood oil, and colloidal gold.

Spikenard in the olden times was used only by kings, high priests, and high initiates, 
and to anoint the feet of Jesus. Sandalwood is used for attaining deep sleep, to revitalize the skin, and to stimulate the pineal glad. Niaouli is used for healing. Honey 
is as the sweetness of God’s love nothing harmful will flourish in it as when the honey ages it becomes as a crystal solid as the love of God. Gold water is used to honor yourselves as a child of God.

    2 ml 
    5 ml
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The Three aspects of the IAM Oils

Metatron Oil

Given by the Angel - Michael.

For anointing, apply with the right thumb to the ear lobes and say, “As a child of God, 
I open my ears that I may hear the love God has for me.”

A drop placed on the earlobes is used to clear the way for the voice of God. It clears 
and quiets the mind chatter so that you can be open to hear what is being given.

Has also been used to relieve headaches of any source, place in the center of the forehead and/or the temples. It is not necessary to use the specified finger in doing this.

Used in the healing process with all the oils for healing the mental body.

Ingredients: Rosewood oil, Birch oil, Myrrh oil, and Ravensara oil.

Rosewood and Birch are as the Tree of Life. These oils set the roots in the earth for 
that which is heavenly. Myrrh is as the cleansing of the way of God’s words to the soul. Ravensara is used to heal the way for bringing the voice of God to your mind.

    2 ml
    5 ml

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Shekinah Oil

Given by the Angel - Michael.

For anointing, apply to the temples and third eye with the left thumb, Saying, “As a child of God, I stand before you to be created a new.”

Has also been used to calm the spirit, anxiety, and nervousness, may be applied to wrists or areas where tension and stress occur. You can also carry the bottle and smell as needed. It has also been used to shrink or dissolve tumors, apply to affected area. It is not necessary to use the specified finger while doing this process.

Used in the healing process with all the oils for healing the physical body.

Very feminine in smell and softness about it. Soothes the spirit and relieves tension, opening up the soul like a vessel to receive.

Ingredients: Clove oil, Jasmine absolute, Laurus nobilis (Bay Laurel) oil, and Elemi oil.

Clove, Jasmine and Laurus Nobilis for healing the body, mind, and emotions. Mixing these with the softness of Elemi opens the soul as a vessel to be filled again.

    2 ml 
    5 ml
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Christ Consciousness or Christ Mind Oil

Given by the Angel - Michael.

For anointing, apply one drop to both of the palms, then with the palms of the hands to the head and the heart, saying,” As a child of God, I open my mind and my heart to the Christ Mind, that I live in the same light.”

Has been used to calm strong emotional states, place it wherever the emotion seems 
to be coming from. It is not necessary to use the specified finger while doing this.

Used in the healing process with all the oils for healing the emotional body.

Is used the most to raise the spirit and enrich the soul. Ingredients: Frankincense oil, Galbanium oil, Petitgrain oil, and Helichrysum oil.

Frankincense once given to him is given to us now. It is used to raise the spirit and enrich the soul. Galbanum is one of the oils given to Jesus on a sponge to relieve his suffering. Helichrysum is an oil used to recall, that which was given. Petitgrain is used 
to bring the love to the heart as that of the Christ’s love for all.

    2 ml

    5 ml

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Our Gifts Oils

Master’s Oil Kit

Given by the Angel - Michael.

This oil is to be made by you, the master, as a gift to yourself. Take the large bottle that has 2 ml Frankincense and one drop of rose already in it and add the 1 ml bottles of oil in this order, nutmeg, hyssop, ginger, clove, and lemongrass. As each oil is added say, “As a child of God, I bless this anointing oil of the masters and make it holy.” When this is completed place it in your sacred place for 12 days to rest. As you place the oil in its resting place say, “I lay this oil in God’s love with love, to give love and receive love.” At the end of the 12 days return and before picking it up say, “Blessed am I for the giving to I AM a child of God.” Say this with each use of the oil.

Each of us will know where and how to place this oil. It will be different with each one using it. This oil is meant to be used only by the one making it.

Take one drop of this oil along with one drop of your churches oil to see the gift, which you have been given. It may be placed over the Metatron, Christ Mind, or Shekinah oil also.

May be used to awaken the unconscious, rub 2 drops on the top of the head. This is 
the only time that it may be used on someone other then yourself.

This oil can be programmed to any of the churches with tuning forks of the churches notes. Take the tuning forks and strike them pointing one on each side of the bottle saying, “As a child of God, I bless this Master’s oil that it may nourish their soul and enrich their body. As a servant of God, I transform this Master’s oil to assist him or 
her as the church of _______.”

If you are using this oil on another to raise their consciousness say, “As a child of God, 
I offer the oil of the Master’s that is now of your church.” They will say, “I accept the oil.”

Additional Information

Michael has given us what some are ready for at this time. The church oils were given to help clean the path each of us are on, making us ready for the next step, which is the Michael, Metatron, Christ Mind, Shekinah, and the Master’s oil. They all help us as tools to find our way on our path.

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Sandalphon Oil

Is used to bind the sevens to the Tree of Life. It is the sap of the tree, without it, it will whither. It is sent to hold you all together as one. It also opens the way for the Song of Shekinah. This is done so that all have access to the fruits of the Tree of Life.

Also used to carry the prayers of the soul to heaven. Acting as a messenger to carry
the asking of that which is done to be undone. Not to be made a new.

It binds the other oils to the spirit and lets them work as one oil. It also connects the 
oils with the spiritual body. Used in the past life/soul contract process.

Anointing for the Tree of Life: Each master will bless this oil before using it by saying; 
“I (name) as a servant of God, bless the oil of Sandalphon that it may bind me to the 
Tree of Life.” Using the right pointer finger, place one drop on the crown and base chakra while saying the blessing. If this oil is given as a gift; bless it like this, “As a servant of God, I bless this oil of Sandalphon for (name) that they may grow in Spirit.”

Ingredients: Hyssop, Cedarwood, Cassia, Angelica

    1 ml
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Holy of Holies

This oil assists you in building the seat of the soul or mercy seat. It is this seat to which God speaks. The mercy seat is in all living things with a soul. It is the place that you and God sit. All that would enter the Holy of Holies and become one will not taste the death of the body.

This oil is to only be used in the Gate of Grace, along with the Holy of Holies meditation. For anointing, apply to the seat of the soul area or mercy seat, located in the center of the breastbone 2 fingers to the left, with palm of right hand. Then place your left hand over your right hand and say, “I am here. There is no God but God and I am God’s child. Speak for your child hears your council.” Then open your arms wide with the palms facing upward and receive.

It would be wise to use the Master’s oil three days prior in preparation.

Shake this oil well prior to use; it separates into four sections, representing the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

It possesses the same emotional love as the Christ Mind oil. Should you not be open to receive it, this oil will do as the Christ mind oil. There is no harm in it, only love.

Prior to the use of the Holy of Holies oil place the oils of the corresponding churches on either side of the seat of the soul area, making no difference which side they are placed. 
These represent the two angels on either side of the seat.

Smyrna and Laodicea

Ephesus and Michael

Pergamum and Sardis

Philadelphia and Thyatira

Ingredients: Hemp oil, Palm oil, Castor oil, Frankincense oil, coloidal gold, colloidal silver, honey, Myrrh oil, Hyssop oil, Ravensara oil, and Cinnamon bark oil.

    5 ml
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Gabriel’s Oil

This oil was given by Gabriel. It is used in the naming.

There are three times the hosts of heaven turn towards you. When you are born all heads turn to you that they know you are about God’s work in the world. When you are given a name by your kind they turn that they may know you by that name. The third time all heads turn is when you come home that they may rejoice in the returning glory of God that you are. This oil is for this celebration in the naming of a child of God.

When parents name their child with this oil, they are giving consent for the angels to intercede in the child’s spiritual knowledge. The godparents are witnesses for that which you are giving and the child is to be in the charge of the angels for spiritual remembering. Anyone may do this. But with children the parents must give their consent and be witnessed.

To anoint yourself take one drop of oil on the right thumb and place on the forehead above the third eye at the hairline and say, “Blessed is this oil that Gabriel’s trumpet will announce my name in Paradise.”

With children; the one doing the anointing will say, “Who gives the hosts of heaven permission to intercede with this child that God’s will be done? The father will say,
“As the father of this child I do.” The mother will say, “As the mother of this child I do.” 
As this is said all that is in the house of God will stop and turn to hear that witness and the name of the child. Each witness will say in turn, “I (name) a servant of God bare witness and the name of the child’s name is known.” The one anointing will take one 
drop of the oil on the thumb and place it on the forehead above the third eye on the hairline and say, “I anoint you (name) known now and forever a child of God.”

To anoint someone else, take one drop of Gabriel’s oil on the right thumb and place 
on their forehead above the third eye at the hairline and say, “I anoint you, (their name), known now and forever as a child of God. Blessed is this oil that Gabriel’s trumpet will announce your name in Paradise.”

An infant is not to be present when a man or woman is anointed for their energy is not the same as an adult. It would not be wise to have a child near. It is best to do children and adults at different times and days.

This oil has also been found to assist in reversing the aging process. It is also a wonderful oil for babies-calming and colds.

Ingredients: Frankincense, Palmarose, Geranium, Roman Chamomile, & Sandalwood.

   1 ml
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Festival of Light Oil        

When used alone this oil carries the peace and joy of the season of Christmas all year long. Diffused into a room will bring about peace and harmony.   It is also used in combination with the Khamael’s Piller oil of Manifistation

   10 ml

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Festival of Light Oil and Khamael’s Pillar Oil of Manifestation  
(2 Bottle Set)

When combined with Khamael’s Piller oil , it is used to blend the spiritual with the physical. This means for each of us there is a connection with the light being God’s will for us to be rich, healthy, abundant and happy. We have all experienced this on a spiritual level from time to time. We now have a way to bring that light into physical form in the everyday world. We can be at cause for manifesting the substance of our desires here on earth.

The Mind is what God has given us to use for manifesting our desires. When the mind is in alignment with God’s divine plan we live in abundance and are prosperous. By being able to raise our vibrations to the frequency of the light of God with the vibrations of manifestation that Khamael holds we are more powerful at creating.

Take a drop of each oil (Khamael’s Pillar & Festival of Light) and mix them together. When you do this you are blending the vibrations of Light with physical manifestation. This is to begin to raise the vibrations of the masters and others that want to be gathered at the Eden event. The raising of the vibrational frequencies allows the masters to create that, which they see as impossible into being at the event. This oil will also assist masters and others that think it is impossible to be at the event to manifest what is needed to be there. The masters and the people coming to be gathered at the event according to Khamael will have the opportunity to see angels because we are bringing the light of God together with that of the vibrations of physical manifestation. In order to do this we need to start the process of raising our vibrations as soon as possible.

Sunday is the day of the week for the church of Smyrna as well as Khamael’s and it is on Sunday you do this process. Place a drop of the blended oils on the crown, third eye, both temples along with the throat and heart. Then say. "Through the light of God and the Christ consciousness I call upon the pillar of Khamael to come into my life." You do not need to be gathered to do this. Do this on each Sunday until we see each other at the Eden event in June 2005.
   Khamael's Pillar Oil & Festival of Lights Oil  (2 Bottle Set)

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Khamael’s Pillar    

Of all the oils given so far by the angels this one is one of the most intriguing of all. Khamael said. "I give you the way of the blending of the light with the physical." We have been about doing our spiritual work with whatever level of success we could to create in the physical. This oil promises to make possible our ability of creating the things we desire. We are talking about the tangible things we can touch, taste, and feel as real objects not just on a spiritual plane of existence. Depending on our vibrational faith in causing something to be we can bring it about in varying lengths of time. The stronger our vibrational faith the quicker it comes about. Of course, this is not to say if your faith is in a low vibration you can’t manifest. It may just take a little longer and if there is anything most of us have been doing is waiting for things to happen anyway.

When Khamael told me how to make the oil she also told me how to use it. Combining Frankincense, Hyssop, Black Pepper, Nutmeg, Castor oil, rosewood, Bay Laurel and laminar crystal makes up Khamael’s Pillar oil. Blessed by Khamael’s vibration and rested for two days.

When combined with the Festival of Light oil, it is used to blend the spiritual with the physical. This mean for each of us there is a connection with the light being God’s will for us to be rich, healthy, abundant and happy. We have all experienced this on a spiritual level from time to time. We now have a way to bring that light into physical form in the everyday world. We can be at cause for manifesting the substance of our desires here on earth.

The Mind is what God has given us to use for manifesting our desires. When the mind is in alignment with God’s divine plan we live in abundance and are prosperous. By being able to raise our vibrations to the frequency of the light of God with the vibrations of manifestation that Khamael holds we are more powerful at creating.

Khamael’s Pillar can be used alone to bring courage, strength and the inner wisdom of natural knowing. To do this place a drop of Khamael’s Pillar on the crown, third eye, both temples and in the palms of both hands. When this is done place both hands on your heart and say. "As a child of God I go boldly into the world knowing all that I desire is mine." If through the day you have concerns or are in doubt about something repeat it seven times.

   5 ml

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Khamael’s Pillar Oil of Manifestation & Festival of Light Oil
  (2 Bottle Set)

Take a drop of each oil (Khamael’s Pillar & Festival of Light) and mix them together. When you do this you are blending the vibrations of Light with physical manifestation. This is to begin to raise the vibrations of the masters and others that want to be gathered at the Eden event. The raising of the vibrational frequencies allows the masters to create that, which they see as impossible into being at the event. This oil will also assist masters and others that think it is impossible to be at the event to manifest what is needed to be there. The masters and the people coming to be gathered at the event according to Khamael will have the opportunity to see angels because we are bringing the light of God together with that of the vibrations of physical manifestation. In order to do this we need to start the process of raising our vibrations as soon as possible.

Sunday is the day of the week for the church of Smyrna as well as Khamael’s and it is on Sunday you do this process. Place a drop of the blended oils on the crown, third eye, both temples along with the throat and heart. Then say. "Through the light of God and the Christ consciousness I call upon the pillar of Khamael to come into my life." You do not need to be gathered to do this. Do this on each Sunday until we see each other at the Eden event in June 2005

   Khamael"s Pillar Oil & Festival of Lights Oil (2 Bottle Set)
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Song of Songs Oil

Solomon wrote the Song of Songs in which he speaks of the complete love between God and mankind. There is a blending of 24 oils with gold and silver to bring about the correct vibration to align our frequencies with the vibration of grace.

Place a drop of oil on the middle finger of either hand; touch your heart, throat, and 
then your forehead, saying, “My Blessings, my Gifts, and my Deeds are of you.” This 
will raise your vibration and open the space for you to receive.

This oil is placed on the heart to open your heart to loving grace. The emotions are brought to a higher frequency blending the driving passion of the physical with the 
compassion of the divine. Our Blessings. The Shekinah tuning fork placed on the 
heart creates a place for love to stand.

It is then placed on the throat to raise the vibration of what we speak. That our words 
may be loving and kind, acknowledging all of God’s children in the oneness of love we are. Our Gifts. The Gabriel tuning fork placed on the throat gives power to that which 
we speak.

Lastly, place the oil on the forehead opening our minds to the loving thought of the 
divine. We begin to think as one to create a wondrous world where we care for all 
things as parts of us and all things care for us. Our Deeds. The Metatron fork placed 
on the forehead opens our minds to see. (Sixth sense)

Do this process once every seven days to keep your vibration high. This process works like the critical mass principle, once you reach a certain point you are locked in and will not go back.

The tuning forks are used to enhance the process but are not necessary for this process.

This oil and process also will assist with any breathing difficulties. It has been used to stop wheezing and shortness of breath. Do not use in place of doctors orders.

Ingredients: Cistus, Cedarwood, Spikenard, Lily of the Valley blend, silver, and gold.

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Eden Oil

Given by: A reflection of God

Apply to: Beginning on January 7th, 2004, the masters attending the Eden Event will need to apply one drop on the third eye, the crown, and the base of the skull every fourth day. The Chakras, meridian lines on humans and animals, the same points as the Christ oil and the oil of Philadelphia. Or mixed with another oil in equal amounts to enhance the speed in which it works.

Purpose: Merges the emotional-physical and the emotional-spiritual. It assists in finding the beauty within and becoming the love in the spirit. This oil is a blend of the emotions of the Christ and emotional wisdom of the Church of Philadelphia; it is the Christ mind manifest in the physical world. Raises the emotional vibrations for Eden. This oil is laid to rest in the Gate of Grace and blessed by the angelic realm. It has a numeric vibration of 111. It is to assist in assimilating the vibrations of the emotions.

Also used to heal diseases caused by the emotions, which throw off the flow of energy and grace throughout the body. It is used to heal that which could not be healed before. This oil brings wisdom to remember you are a child of God and that you are worthy of love and the abundance that God gives freely. Also to free oneself from the attachment of the emotions.

Can be used the same as the Christ oil or the oil of Philadelphia. Can be used on the chakras along with the forks to align them when they will not stay aligned. Also to charge a meridian line where a point is blocked to open the flow of energy until the forks can be used on the blocked point. It can be mixed with equal parts of one of the other oils to enhance the speed in which they work. Can also be placed on the meridian lines of animals at the base of the skull to tune them.

Ingredients: Galbanum, Petitgrain, Hyssop, Juniper, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Roman Chamomile, and Helichrysum

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IAM oil

This oil was given to be used by those who have attended a gathering only.

It is to be diffused only, either with a diffuser or charcoal used in incense.

It is used to clear the space where a gathering is to be held.

To clear the space for the Holy of Holies process.

In a healing session when all else has failed.

It is not to be smelled, applied to the skin in any form. If this happens the skin must be washed with dry dirt, then with moist dirt, then with wet dirt. After this wash with blessed water.

It is a most sacred oil. Using this as it is meant cleans the way for the IAM 
to meet your kind.

   1 ml
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Additional Information:

1. These oils should not be used by women who are pregnant or nursing a child. As the way of their work is being set in the womb and is being made ready to receive the soul.

2. These oils used all at once in a healing session may make a person unsteady, 
they should not drive unless they rest for a time to clear their head.

3. One drop may be placed in a glass of blessed drinking water or in a bathtub.

4. They are given at this time to open and bind the angelic and the human worlds together. When one of the seven has mastered the gifts and traps they are we will be 
in the oneness as it is meant to be. To use the oils without mastering the gifts will help one to reach the mastery. Yet I say to you when one has mastered their gifts they will know the wonder God IS.

5. The oils are given in the order they are to be used. It will not be hurtful if used in another way but something may be missed out of what is given.

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Healing Process with the Oils

You may wish to align the charkas before doing this process. If you do not know of this process please contact us at (303) 593-1121. This process should be done in a Gate of Grace to open the space for healing to occur. This process does not require the use of certain fingers, so just use whatever fingers are comfortable to you, however be sure to use a different finger for each oil. This process may be performed on a person’s back or the top of their head. The positions remain the same. The head is north and the front is north. If being performed on a person’s back, have them expose their back making sure to take into consideration their privacy. Ask for permission to perform this process with them, after they say it is OK then you may begin.

Take some Corn oil or Macadamia oil and bless it, saying, “As a child of God, I bless this oil that I may do the work of healing.” Rub this into your hands so that you are not affected by using all of the oils together. Apply the oil to your hands three times, letting it soak in between applications.

1. Standing in the East of the person, offer the first oil by saying, “As a child of God, I offer the oil of Michael for your healing.” The person being worked on responds by saying, “As a child of God, I accept the oil of Michael for my healing.” Place the Michael’s oil in the East.

2. Then take a drop of the Oil of Philadelphia. Say, “As a child of God, I offer the oil 
of Philadelphia for your healing.” They reply with, “As a child of God, I accept the oil of Philadelphia for my healing. Place the oil in the West directly across from the East.

3. Then take a drop of the oil of Pergamum. Say, “As a child of God. I offer the oil of Pergamum for your healing.” They reply with, “As a child of God, I accept the oil of Pergamum for my healing.” Then place the oil in the Northwest.

4. Next take a drop of the oil of Ephesus. Say, “As a child of God, I offer the oil of Ephesus for your healing.” They reply with, “As a child of God, I accept the oil of Ephesus for my healing.” Then place the oil in the Northeast, across from the oil in the northwest.

5. Take a drop of the oil of Thyatira and say, “As a child of God, I offer the oil of Thyatira for your healing. They reply with, “As a child of God, I accept the oil of Thyatira for my healing.” Place the oil in the Southwest.

6. Take a drop of the oil of Smyrna next. Say, “As a child of God, I offer the oil of Smyrna for your healing.” They respond with, “As a child of God, I accept the oil of Smyrna for my healing.” Place the oil in the Southeast. Across from the Southwest.

7. Next take a drop of the oil of Sardis. Say, “As a child of God, I offer the oil of Sardis 
for your Healing.” They say, “As a child of God, I accept the oil of Sardis for my healing.” Place the oil in the South.

8. Take a drop of the oil of Laodicea. Say, “As a child of God, I offer the oil of Laodicea for your healing.” They say, “As a child of God, I accept the oil of Laodicea for my healing.” Place the oil in the North.

9. Now take a drop of whichever I AM oil they may need. (Metatron oil mental healing, Christ oil for emotional healing, and Shekinah oil for physical healing) These oils may be used all at once or at separate occasions. Say, “As a servant of God I offer the ______ oil for your healing. They respond with, “As a servant of God, I accept the ______ oil for my healing. Then place the oil/oils in the center of the rest of the oils.

10. Then place the palm of your right hand over the middle where the oils are placed 
and pass the grace of God to the person saying, “Bless your Heart.”

Allow the person to remain quiet for a time. You may place a warm, moist towel with blessed water on their back to assist with the absorption of the oils. When doing this process remember that no one ever healed anyone. It is the person’s faith that has healed or not healed them. We have had many miraculous experiences using this process. For a list of responses to this process please call us at (303) 593-1121.

· This information should not replace the advice of your physician.

· They should not be placed in the eyes or mucous membranes.

· All rights reserved and copyrighted information by Angel Gate Creations; 
  do not copy without written permission from the company.

· With these oils use them as tools to enhance what you do, let us know 
  of your results and experiences, and bless your heart.

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