Client Testimonials    

     " ... I have found that Larry 
     is insightful, extremely     
     knowledgeable and treats
     his mission with as much 
     respect as he does his 
     clients. Larry truly brings us
     all one step closer to the 
     angelic realm and gently
     reminds us that he is not
     teaching us, but simply
     helping us remember."

           Barry Goldstein
           New York, NY
          Think Big Records


   " Larry is a genuine joy 
   and pleasure. He is com-
   mitted to bringing forth the 
   angelic love & messages 
   that are being shared at 
   this time. I would highly 
   recommend his class-
   es & personal sessions 
   to all. Don't miss the 
   opportunity to hear the 
   message he has to share."

           Robbie Nicolai
           Lake Hills, TX
           Registered Nurse
     " I have worked with Larry 
     on several occasions and 
     have found him to be a 
     very high energy, fun loving
     person. His fast wit way of 
     being has been a joy to be 
     around. His teachings of 
     the angelic realm are truly 

           Joe Crane
           Lake Hills, TX
           Author of "On the Wings 
           of Heaven" & "Gateway 
           to Miracles"

   "Larry is gifted at naturally
   leading people to connect 
   with their spirit guides. He 
   asked if I had ever talked
   to my guides. I said no. He
   led me on a journey a year 
   ago which changed my life.
   I asked them what my pur-
   pose was, I certainly never
   expected to get such clarity 
   on my question! 

          Chris Jones
          Oakland, CA










Hi ... 

To all those that have given me an opportunity to share my
gifts, talents and the messages from the Angelic Realm by 
having a healing session with me. Thank you.

Hopefully, you have had a positive experience and can 
now experience a more fulfilling and happy life.

I would be honored if you would please take a moment 
to share below in your own words, what you experienced. 

Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

Namaste' and Bless Your Hearts
Larry Contier

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  Karin Perez
Massage Therapy


          In your own words, what was your experience 
         after having a session with Larry?

            Date of Session:


Location (city/state/country):       optional




             Your comments & testimonial will be posted as soon as possible,
             after I have received them


Additional Testimonials

  Marcy R.
Columbus, Ohio
I hope you know what a wonderful difference you have made in my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!  I will treasure it always.
  Letter from Cathy 
Denver, CO  8-28-03
I put some of the Michael oil on me and asked Archangel Michael to come to me and help me. I was crying while I was mediating. I asked for Raphael, the angel I met in your guided meditation, to come to me and I felt the familiar warmth on my hands. Then I started to doubt and said maybe I was making all of this up and that maybe I was just going crazy. Was all of this really happening or was my imagination driving me nuts. I told the angels that I needed proof. I needed to know that it was really real. I need some proof. Well, immediately a brilliant light came toward me. I felt it, it surrounded me and came down over my head and I felt the warmth and the light fill my body.

It was so beautiful. It was amazing. I knew it was real, I told them Iunderstand and I know it is the truth. I asked Archangel Michael to send as may angels as he could to Noe' and surround him and let him feel the love and comfort him. Then I was doing affirmations and just chit chat in my mind. I then felt my fingers being squeezed. That is what Raphael said he would do when he needed my attention in the meditation I did with you.

He did, he squeezed my fingers. I had thought that maybe my imagination had created all of that, but I guess maybe it was more than imagination. He told me, "Be Still, My Child." So I quieted my mind and listened. I heard footsteps on the carpet. Behind my eyes, I saw bright lights. They would come toward me and then leave and others would come. I opened my eyes and the room was empty, but when I closed my eyes, they were there again. It was so beautiful. The angels were there with me. I know it. I felt so much peace. I left the meditation feeling so much better and really calm.

I know that I am on a path, a journey that I must continue. I know our baby is coming and it is important that I keep on this path. For some reason it is important. Maybe what I am learning will help our child get the start he/she needs in this life for what ever they have chosen to come here for.

I don't know if you can get any more excited than I am about the future. I am happy that I am finally getting somewhere. I am learning what I need to know. Thanks for what you do and the help you have given me.

And thanks for listening.



Glastonbury, England


Just wanted to say thanks again for the amazing healing I received 
from you - I'm feeling so much better now than I did!  Hope all is 
well with you.  Bless you for being you! 

Love & rainbows, 

  Patti S.
I came to ATP with my sister Lassie. You helped us through a 
tough past life, and did a one on one with me. I purchased Christ 
Oil form you in California. My healings with the oil have been 
unbelievable! I wish that everyone that left ATP had a bottle! I 
have an angel alter in the front of my new home and the Christ Oil 
sits in the hands of a beautiful ceramic angel statue to greet 
everyone. I have been neglectful in thanking you for bringing an 
amazing healing to my heart in Laguna.  Thank you for being the 
wonderful Light-worker that God has called you to be in this 

Many blessings I send you,
  Patti S.
Laguna Beach, California
I will try and be brief. I was attending an ATP certification seminar
where Larry was one of the staff members. I signed up for a reading
with him. The reading, although brief, has impacted my work in the
field of spiritual healing immensely! If you are in the healing matter it be angels, reiki, feng shui, transformational healing etc...I challenge you to contact Larry for a one on one session and see if a blessed and wonderful change comes your way!! 

Blessings to all.. 

Patti S.
Angel Therapy Practitioner

  Ron R.
Denver, CO
Wow!  What an amazing time. I never thought I could possibly see 
my Angels. I always new I had angels but never saw them. Well, now
thanks to Larry I can see my guardian angel named Phylis.  

Thanks Larry, I really appreciate it !!!!!

  Sajit G.
Denver, CO

I had an incredible experience of meeting some of my non-physical
teachers, and I am still digesting this experience and it's messages,
several weeks later. Larry creates a very safe space in which one can
deeply let go, and he provides a strong, clear guiding and witnessing
presence. My session with Larry helped me release on emotional and
physical levels, which has allowed me to move through some difficult
blocks. And the experience of meeting my non-physical teachers was 
  Shirley H.
Westminster, CO 
What an Interesting viist. Ilearned a new perspective and gained new 
insights regarding my spiritual growth. I will look forward to working
with one and all.

  Mara N.
Denver, CO 
Thanks for the work you are doing and for providing such a strong 
presence for growth in the Denver area.

bless your heart,
  Sheila O.
California, USA
As I reflect on the past year and the amazing miracles that have 
unfolded for me, the Angels remind me that it all started with you being 
willing to trust, take a leap of faith and help me get to Hawaii. You must 
have been out of your mind!

Because of you I moved to California, recorded with a 3 platinum album 
producer, and am working on an amazing children's CD project. I also 
became an ATP and found that I am an amazingly clear channel for 
the Angels. I am living life as an earth angel experiencing miracles every 
moment and following the step by step guidance of my Angels. 

So many people's lives have and will continue to be touched because 
of you.

I love you forever,
  Lynette B.
Here's to a great weekend! I'm so glad you are in my life. All my love.

  Natalie C.
Westminster, CO
I've been meaning to write to thank you for the most pivotal, most 
spiritually intense, most wonderful, most life-changing weekend at your 
house. I  am grateful that my Guides and Angels put you in my path at 
just the right time. I am inspired by what you are accomplishing (with 
angelic assistance of course) in your divine mission.

Bless your heart
  Martha & David W.
Denver, CO
We thank you and your divine team for a most magnificent gathering 
last weekend. Your home, the support team, the angels, the guides, the 
wisdom of the book, and the colors all contributed to our life changing 
experience. God Bless your work. God Bless your heart.

In gratitude,
Martha & David

Sherry Williams-Mays
Austin, Texas

I came to Larry not having a clue what to expect and received one of 
the most wonderful and valuable gifts ever. I was led on a journey to 
my "home" and met with my soul council to clear something that had plagued me for 30 years!! I am for the first time free of the emotional 
pain this caused in may heart. I also am now able to communicate 
with my angels and guides and can also muscle test to confirm what 
I have been told ( if I don't trust what "I" hear. As a massage therapist 
that facilitates angelic healings this has proved to be invaluable!  
During my session Larry was supportive, positive and compassionate 
all with a wonderful sense of humor.  I felt safe and guided. I thank 
Larry for sharing his gift and my angels and guides for leading me to 
his work


  Patti S.
I had a reading with Larry in Laguna Beach, Ca in October '03. I attest 
to the fact that Larry is a strong and gifted healer. I remain friends with 
him still, and his intention goes to pure and honest healing. If you can make it to this don't walk...You will walk away changed.

Blessings to all who go...
Patti ATP,LB,03

Gillie M
London, England


I just wanted to thank you now so very very much for the wonderful gift 
you have given me, enabling me to move forward, to leave behind the 
"safe place" that I knew was not safe anymore, that had become lonely, uncomfortable frustrating and static and to step into a new exciting and rewarding place that I had felt was there but never had the courage or 
help to access. I have certainly been feeling the mood swings that you mentioned and I’m trying to use them in a positive way. I awoke the 
next morning very conscious of a change of heart, such a great feeling. Sometimes I wonder where all the tears come from!! In this case I 
believe it is relief. I am still a bit hesitant about accepting what is hap-
pening and am puzzled about my Guardian Angel. I guess listening 
and hearing will increase in time. I hope you had a good experience in England and I look forward to any info on Workshops that you may do 
here later in the year. I am thirsty for information now and would like to understand so much more! Lots of dreams! Again many many thanks 
for all your help. What a great Job you do.

Happy days.

  Sherry W.
Austin, Texas

For those I have not had a chance to share my experience with ...

It is one of the most phenomenal gifts I have had. Very interactive and experiential.  Worth every penny and every minute.  Obviously I highly recommend it for you all and I will be booking myself back in with Larry again as both my past sessions were totally different but both just as powerful.  The sessions started a huge growth spurt personally and spiritually, but most amazing has been with my work as a few of you 
have shared with me. 

Have a wonderful session.

Sherry W.


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