Tuning Forks    











There are various healing tools available to us from both                   
our earth bound angels ... and those that are from the heavens.                  

Below are various tuning forks that help                   
in the vibrational healing, attunement and alignment                   
of the physical, mental and spiritual bodies.                  

Genesis - Tuning Fork                   
03 Ozone - Tuning Fork                   
50 Hz Nerve  - Tuning Fork                   
               7 Chakra - Tuning Fork Set                   
PSI - Tuning Fork Set                    
 Tree of life - Tuning Fork Set                   
Sefirot - Tuning Fork Set                   

Please scroll down for a description of each of the tuning forks sets.              

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  Karin Perez
Massage Therapy

    Genesis Tuning Fork
(Genesis Frequency)

  This fork is combined with the others to cause things to
happen or to create things. It can be used alone or with 
the Gabriel fork to repair damaged portions of DNA. It 
can also be used alone or with the Shekinah fork to 
destroy cancer cells. It also will move bones and joints 
back into place when they are out of alignment. It will 
also repair and rebuild muscles and tissue. These are 
just a few of the amazing things we are discovering 
about this frequency. The possibilities are endless. 
Included are instructions for usage and a velvet pouch 
with drawstring. 
O3 Ozone Fork

O3 is the symbol for ozone, which means it has three 
molecules of oxygen. Many of us have experienced the 
smell in the air after a thunderstorm. This comes about 
because lightning striking will produce ozone, which is 
what gives everything that clean smell. Not only does it 
make the air smell good; it also kills viruses and bacteria.

This is how ozone works. Ozone has three molecules of 
oxygen, which make it unstable as an element and in 
order for it to become stable by having only two mole-
cules of oxygen it needs to throw one off. When there is 
a virus or bacteria present the extra oxygen molecule is 
attracted to it. When the molecule attaches to the virus or 
bacteria it explodes or dies. Ozone is being studied in 
the field of AIDS and cancer. The findings are when 
someone is subjected to ozone the abnormal cells are 
prohibited from reproducing. When the cell is no longer 
able to reproduce, the person’s own immune system can 
attack the abnormal cell and destroy it. In Acupuncture, the practitioners are now injecting ozone in order to fight 
infections and cancer and AIDS.

The 03-zone fork runs a little over 78 Hz, which is a fre-
quency well above the range to produce ozone in the body. 
This will enhance the production of ozone in the body at 
a local area. The 03-zone fork can be used to wash over
an area by pointing the prongs at it, or the stem can be 
placed on a particular spot.

50 Hz Nerve Fork

A nerve fires at a frequency of 50 HZ carrying a message 
from the brain or to the brain. When some trauma to the 
body occurs, the nerve tells the brain something is out. The 
brain reacts to this process by correcting it. If the damage 
is too great for the brain to repair easily, it starts sending 
endorphins to ease the pain. If the damage is to the nerve, 
the frequency for information is hindered in the flow to the 

This tuning fork can be used to relive pain from pulled or 
strained muscles. It is also an excellent fork for removing 
those knots that develop in the muscles. It will help in 
releasing the tightness of cramps so that the muscle will 
relax and the brain will send the endorphins to help with 
the pain. Place the end of the stem on the area where 
there is pain. You may also place the side of the stem in 
the same area. On the weighted end of the tuning fork, 
pinch the two ends together and slide your fingers off 
quickly. Hitting the end of the fork on a hard rubber object 
is not needed to cause the maximum amount of vibration. 

Chakra Forks Set

Set of 7 ....$1

Tuned to the vibrations of the chakras. The handles are 
color coded to make them easier to use in chakra align-
ments and acu-tuning. Each set comes with instructions 
on balancing the 12 chakras and a velvet pouch for their 
easy storage and carrying. 

PSI Tuning Fork Set
Set of 5 ....$

  Description coming.  
Tree of Life 
Tuning Fork Set
Set of 11 ....$

This awesome set includes the Sacred Solfeggio scale. 
They are used in conjunction with the chakra forks in healing. 
This set includes 11 forks, each imprinted with the Angels 
names and color coded for easy identification. Each fork 
has a different use in healing from correcting DNA to 
rejuvenating cells.

The Tree of Life set is composed of two sets. The first 7 
forks are the Sacred Solfeggio set as mentioned above, 
along with the 4 Angelic Forks. They are used for the 4 
outer chakras in the place of using 2 forks from the Chakra 
Set, along with the specific qualities that they hold. Included 
are instructions for use and a velvet pouch for their easy 
storage and carrying. 

The Description of each Tuning Fork is "As Given"
by Arch Angel Michael

Khamael: "This fork is the beginning of ‘force,’ holding that 
which is needed, and is the foundation of power of grace. 
Only will this vibration hold the regulation of order. Grace is 
as you call ‘raw energy’ without the order Khamael’s vibration holds. This is as the blood, which carries nourishment to the body. For all that comes from the food of grace must pass 
this way."
Oil: Smyrna

Tzaphqiel: "This fork is for building the fabric of the body.” 
The vibration aids in the body building new cells. Given the 
raw materials the body needs to heal there is a correlation 
with the emotional, mental and the physical effects in rebuild-
ing cells. This fork works through the emotions allowing the 
mind to be at ease not interfering with the physical actions of rejuvenating old cells and building new ones."
Oil: Ephesus

"His vibration can rejuvenate DNA or repair it, and 
is also good to slow down the aging process. The Gabriel’s 
oil made by one of the masters when mixed in with the 
vibration it will aid greatly to slow and repair the aging in your kind. Gabriel’s vibration with others will aid in the bearing of children.” “With two other vibrations, a woman that was without child may now conceive a child.” “This is so. Gabriel is the foundation on which the grace brings into being.” The other 
two angels are Michael and Haniel."
Oil: Pergamum &/or Gabriel’s oil

"This is the angel, which builds the temple that 
holds the seat of the soul. His vibration tunes the body that it 
may be in harmony with itself. In this, his vibration quickens healing of disease and wounds, easing pain. He gives the healing of bones of the body and other afflictions."
Oil: Sardis.

Ratziel: "bursts forth the power of grace to aid the immune system that the temple may be made whole. His vibration 
cools fevers brought on by sickness, or will raise it for the 
desired outcome to end the sickness."
Oil: Philadelphia.

Haniel: "sets in motion the vibrational harmony that gives the body the tenacity to overcome disease. His vibration goes 
to the source of disease that your kind may heal."
Oil: Thyatira

"brings the vibrational health to the four bodies of 
your kind. Her vibration is most powerful, for it is hers to leave one loose of thought should they receive more than is needed. 
So gentle and gratifying is her grace vibration none can stand 
in the way of her healing. Hers is the breaker of stress that plagues the body allowing disease to enter."
Oil: Laodicea.

"is the sustenance of humankind being the link between God and us. It could be said Metatron is the mind of 
the tree. Metatron is the beginning of the Alpha of spiritual thought. This fork’s vibration brings about the will of God 
through the mouth of Metatron that we may hear in our minds. This vibration reconnects our minds with the spiritual essence 
of clarity. It is for this reason it helps with insanity, comas and diseases of the mind."
Chakra Balancing: also used for the Alpha Chakra.
Oil: Metatron for headaches.

"is what has been called the vessel of creation. 
In the beginning there was the Shekinah and the Shekinah 
was with God and the Shekinah was God. As Metatron is the Alpha the Shekinah is the Omega that brings into manifestation the thought of God. Her power to heal runs more than just the world being healed but also humans and everything that lives. She is the expression of Gods love and light. It is the Shekinah that makes it possible for healing to take place by bringing 
the spirit to the physical."
Chakra Balancing: also used for the Omega Chakra.
Oil: Shekinah oil is for tumors and stress reduction

"is what you could call a direct line to the divine. 
He stands below the Shekinah on the earth and rises up to heaven. Sandalphon is the master of heavenly song and his vibration keeps in balance the will of God and the will of human kind. Sandalphon’s frequency lends a certainty that what you 
are asking for is heard."
Chakra Balancing: also used for the Terra Chakra.
Oil: Sandalphon

"is the counter balance with all the angels, it is his vibration that makes it possible to work with more then three 
angels at one time. Michael is well known as a protector and 
the one to end suffering. In writings you will find Michael works with just about every other angel. His frequency holds the keys that unlock everything that may get in our way."
Angel Armor: Shoulders and arms
Chakra Balancing: also used for the Angelic Chakra.
Oil: Michael’s oil is for pain


Tuning Fork Set
Set of 11 ....$260
includes case

The Sefirot tuning forks are 
a set of 11 forks that are 
used for attuning the angelic forks in the Tree of Life set. Each Sefirot has a frequency with a numerical value that equals three, six or nine the same as the Tree of Life set. Included are instructions for use and a velvet pouch for 
their easy storage and carrying. 

The forks in this set can 
also be purchased individ-
ually if desired. They sell for $30.00 each. Included with each fork is a velvet bag 
with drawstring.



The Archangels gave the Tree of Life to us that we 
might know the secrets of the universe and return to our 
own divine origin. Each number of the frequencies, as 
they go from low to high, is in perfect alignment numeri-
cally. These are created on a sacred Solfeggio scale 
based on the frequency of the Genesis tuning fork. 
Granted there are 11 tuning forks in this set, however 
you have to remember there are only 10 spheres in the 
Sefirot. The 11th is hidden, which is the gate way to the
invisible Tree behind the visible one. The hidden con-
nects our Tree of Life to the angels Tree of life, as well 
as many other Trees of life, and of course to God. There 
are paths associated with each of the 10 spheres to
help mankind solve the problems we all go through in 
life. The Sefirot set is also used to tune each gland of 
the body to its specific frequency, as well as the Lym-
phatic system. These tuning forks are not a replacement 
for the other tuning forks used in AcuTuning or other 
processes. These are additional forks that enhance the frequencies of the entire body when used with the other 
forks in AcuTuning. They are the tuning forks that are 
necessary for the meridian points of animals. There is 
a key to which fork is to be used with which meridian 
point. The following are instructions for the different 
frequencies of the Sefirot set.

KETER: This sphere is known as the CROWN being 
the Will of God or the Spirit of God. You should be
cautioned that although each Sefirot is a path to God 
it is not the same as God. 
1. Angel - Metatron 
2. Color - White 
3. Attribute - True perception 
4. Gland - Pineal 
5. Oil - Metatron

CHOKHMAH: This sphere is known as WISDOM that 
comes from both the male and female in the way of 
inspiration or revelation through the metaphysical. 
1. Angel - Ratziel 
2. Color - Lt Blue 
3. Attribute - Conscious control 
4. Gland - Pituitary 
5. Oil - Christ Mind

BINAH: This sphere holds the UNDERSTANDING to 
comprehend the divine pattern, which is the mother or 
creation of faith. This vibration will get your mind right 
so to speak. This sphere is known as Understanding. 
1. Angel - Tzaphqiel 
2. Color - Green & Yellow 
3. Attribute - Insightful awareness 
4. Gland - Thyroid 
5. Oil - Song of Songs

CHESED: This sphere holds MERCY. Not in the way 
we think of mercy like forgiving someone or letting them 
off the hook. It is different in as much as it is more of 
human love and divine love taking action as kindness 
or for that matter charity with others. 
1. Angel - Tzadqiel 
2. Color - White & Silver 
3. Attribute - Gentleness 
4. Gland - parathyroid 
5. Oil - Song of Songs

GEVURAH: This sphere is known as JUDGMENT and
yet it is meant as power and intelligence are in balance. Unrestrained power begets evil and this is why judgment 
is used to bring about Just use of power. 
1. Angel - Khamael 
2. Color - Red & Gold 
3. Attribute - Power 
4. Gland - Thymus 
5. Oil - Michael

TIFERET: This sphere is that of BEAUTY which con-
nects the mental self with the spiritual self. It is the one 
sphere that truly is the heart and soul of the entire tree. 
It is the balance of the energy flow from the divine spirit 
down and the upward flow of human spiritual aspirations. 
1. Angel - Michael 
2. Color - Purple & Yellow 
3. Attribute - Wholeness 
4. Gland - Spleen 
5. Oil - Michael

NETZACH: This sphere is that of ETERNITY; being the 
expansiveness of compassion and love, which in turn 
illuminates transcendental powers of the minds eye. 
1. Angel - Haniel 
2. Color - Light Pink 
3. Attribute - Hidden intelligence 
4. Gland - Adrenals 
5. Oil - Holy of Holies

HOD: This sphere is known as GLORY, which holds 
majesty or reverberation. It is the perfect and absolute intelligence or consciousness. 
1. Angel - Raphael 
2. Color - Dark Pink  
3. Attribute - Splendor 
4. Gland - Pancreas 
5. Oil - Holy of Holies

YESOD: This sphere is known as the FOUNDATION;
it is where the unconscious mind receives information 
from the spiritual and is the driving force of our human 
desire for expression. 
1. Angel - Gabriel 
2. Color - Black 
3. Attribute - Purified Intelligence 
4. Gland - Appendix 
5. Oil - Gabriel

MALKHUT: This sphere is known as the KINGDOM; 
which is the total manifestation of all matter. It also 
deals with the earth, as it is the center of our existence 
as well as the physical plane. 
1. Angel - Sandalphon 
2. Color - Gold 
3. Attribute - Manifestation 
4. Gland - Testes 
5. Oil - Sandalphon

DA’ATH: This is the sphere known as KNOWLEDGE; 
which is hidden in the Sefirot and not part of the visible 
Tree of Life. It is the gateway to the Tree of Life that is 
invisible. It is in this sphere, which holds the empty 
space where creation begins. 
1. Angel - None (Shekinah) 
2. Color - Silver or Clear 
3. Attribute - Voice of Shekinah 
4. Gland - Ovaries 
5. Oil - Shekinah

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All Rights Rerserved.


You can order any of these by going to the price list, emailing or calling me

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